
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean states (OECS) Stanford Chronic Disease Self Management Program (CDSMP)


Disease management is increasingly recognized as an important component of workplace health promotion given our aging workforce, the prevalence of chronic conditions, and the importance of maintaining a productive and competitive workforce. The OECS Commission under the auspices of the three year old Health Unit Headed by Dr. Carlene Radix, has taken the bold initiative to help their staff maintain a healthy lifestyle with the Stanford Chronic Disease Self Management Program (CDSMP).


Stanford’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) is among the most widely disseminated and researched evidence-based programmes and is extremely effective in helping individuals better manage their chronic disease and related complications.The implementation of the chronic disease self-management programme provided a unique opportunity for real advancement within the OECS Commission for creating an environment that fosters healthy living. The CDSMP served as a vehicle for helping persons develop skills and techniques to enhance self-care of their chronic conditions.

Goal of the Program

The Chronic disease self-management programme aimed to facilitate the empowerment of persons living with chronic diseases through the provision of information, teaching skills and techniques to improve self-care and doctor/patient interaction, with the ultimate goal of improving quality of life at the Commission.

Facilitators explaining the symptom cycle of disease

Specific Objectives of the Program

1. Foster the development of health habits that will lay the foundation for healthy living and wellness

Participants actively engaged

2. Create an environment which supports healthy lifestyle changes and provides peer support

Actively involved

3. Build participants confidence in managing their health

Mr. Phil Leon Facilitator and Participant Ms. Nestor Cooman

Session Highlights

Participants learning how to prepare actions plans
Making decisions is an important component of self management
Weight management is an important aspect of staying healthy
Be an active participant in your own care

Session Closure

Participants graduation
Participants Graduation
a proud moment
A proud moment
A proud moment
A beautiful smile
A happy moment
Facilitators from the Ministry of Health Mr. Phil Leon & Mr. Mervin Charles


Chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) are a global health problem and one of the leading health problems in the Caribbean. Chronic diseases are multidimensional and affect all aspects of people’s lives, especially work. Therefore it is of paramount importance that persons understand how to manage their conditions especially in a work environment. In addition, people with chronic diseases are constantly required to make decisions that affect their health, which have ramifications for work performance and employability.